Our very own Erkki Rajala has done it again. In July, he surpassed his last EC gold and beat his own world record from last year during EC bench press in Mérignac, France.
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We have the capability to produce advanced mechanical components entirely in-house, from inception to completion, within our very own factory.
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Until recently, we were satisfied with being nearly flawless. But why settle for proximity when you can achieve greatness?
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We are used to solving our customers' engineering problems. In this case, it took a few extraordinary solutions before we could go on with the process.
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While Finland may not be known for its sunny summers, at Keymet, the sun is always shining thanks to our happy colleagues and their magnificent problem-solving skills!
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Our commitment to precision and delivering uncompromised quality is unwavering and evident in every single metal part. That's why we have the entire manufacturing chain in-house, so we can ensure that every detail is just right.
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We recently invested in a new Water jet. With multi-head cutting the process will be up to three times faster.
The Waterjet Sweden NC 4020 T
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The best part of my job is that I always feel appreciated, says Jonas Holmstedt, team leader of the welders at Keymet. Every day is different and we are challenged on a daily basis in our work.
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At Keymet, precision is not just a buzzword - it's a way of working.
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When we asked our Key Account Manager Kristoffer Jåfs what the best part of his job is, he didn't hesitate before answering: the customer contact.
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